
Xwars is a space trading game.

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Systems and bodies

https://www.edsm.net/en/search/systems EDSM

Systems and bodies are laid out in 3 separate dctionaries for each system, The first contains info about the system itself, and is used mostly by the Galaxy Map,

							"pos":Vector2(0,0),   ## It's Position in the galaxy map
							"friendlyname":"Sol", ## The name including any punctation 
							"starclass":"G", ## The Class of Star, (Currently A,G,K,L,M)
							"security":10, ## Security rating where 0 is none and 10 is Max
							"population":"15,000,000,000", ## SYSTEM population
							"government":"Democracy", ## System government 
							"industry":"Agriculture", ## System industry (Agriculture,High-Tech,Mining,Energy,Tourism,Industrial,Refining)
							"state":"Boom" ## Initial system state, ## Not implemented yet... 

The Next dictionary is the largest, It contains also the needed info for the system map and when landed at a body.

				"sol":{ ## you must include the star or it's not possible to leave the system...
						"pos":Vector2(0,0), ## Star is always 0,0
						"friendlyname":"Sol", ## name with proper punctuation
						"bodyclass":"STARG", ## just STAR and the class so STARA, STARK
						"population":"0", ## people don't live on stars. 
						"industry":"None", ## Nor do stars have any industies on them.
						"landable":true, ## this tricks the map into letting up go from local map to galaxy map
						"scale":1.4 ## should be biggest thing around. it's a star.... 
				"earth":{ ## A landable Planet.
						"pos":Vector2(3.03,-0.432), ## Position with 0,0 being the local star
						"friendlyname":"Earth", ## You ssen this before.... 
						"bodyclass":"ELW", ## Its class, (Currently ELW(Earth like),RCK(Rocky),ICE(Icy),HUB(Station),GG(Gas Giant),FST(Forest),DST(Desert))
						"population":"13,000,000,000", ## Planet population
						"industry":"Agriculture", ## Body industry (Agriculture,High-Tech,Mining,Energy,Tourism,Industrial,Refining)
						"gravity":9.8, ## Body gravity, 
						"landable":true, ## the body is landable.
						"scale":1.0, ## How much it's scaled in the map.. 
						"contacts":{  ## What services are available here? 
									"shipyard":true, ## Shipyard
									"outfitting":true, ## replaceing parts?
									"bounties":true, ## collecting ounties from combat
									"xplorer":true, ## collecting explorer credits
									"bar":true ## has a bar to overhear info
				"jupiter":{ ## Non landable, Exact same as landable except 
						"landable":false, ## Landable false
									## Contacts doesnt exist... 
						"friendlyname":"Solaris Orbiter",

The third one is super simple and only has to be done for Landable bodies it contains the description for the body shown when landed.

	"earth":"Earth is the home planet of the Human race. Water is abundant and good fertile land exists to grow food. Once heavily industrialised new technology has allowed Humans to do much to repair their planet in recent years.",
	"mars":"Mars is a rocky planet covered in iron dust giving it its reddish hue, it also has large amounts of sodium and magnesium meaning Metals are usually a good buy",
	"solarishub":"Solaris Hub is a large orbital station in the Sol system. Although quite unremarkable, built over 200 years ago it is a long standing monument to Human technological prowess",